1st Prize - Best Vision / with Felix Hardwig
student design competition for the renovation of the cafeteria 
The Cafeteria at the Architecture Faculty of the University of Stuttgart does not live up to the beautiful building in which it is located. The sight to the beautifully crafted concrete wall, which at the right time reflects a rhythmic light and shadow play, is hindered by randomly placed tables and loud vending machines. The space between the wall and the concrete Pilars wants to be liberated, the wall and the axis that runs along with it,  frame the unobstructed eyesight cutting through the tower, which is a theme throughout all of the other floors. The strong grid structuring the floor plans makes itself present through the large concrete pillars and the stoic rhythm of the curtain-wall facade. The current arrangement of the cafeteria follows its own organization system. Small fixed tables are loose and unframed. The table area gets lost in the long, tall space in front of the cashier desk and meets the janitor’s office at the very opposite side. Despite the bad tasting coffee, queues lengthen during the break. The way to the cashier is blocked, the main entrance is met with people moving in all directions, which gets on the nerves of staff members, making the experience of getting breakfast or lunch more despicable. It worsens up when the user is faced with the never changing menu choices: between frozen Maultaschen floating in ready made broth, sweaty meatloaf of questionable origins and a once-in-a-while fatty Käsespätzle, the usual safe choice is the good old Butterbretzel, which in german territory is almost impossible to mess up with. 
The view from the cafeteria towards the tree-filled parking lot, on the other hand, emits a sense of calmness and privacy, making it a good place to work and study. By framing the seating area, the new cafeteria design goes hand in hand with what the space offers. The block of tables, chairs and benches hides behind the elevator block, following the grid of the building and thusfore giving off the same kind of calmness and focus. The printers, one of the core necessities of an architecture student, are relocated and framed in front of the janitor’s office, thus being enhanced and creating a backbone for the cafeteria. The long table against the glass facade offers space for individuals and larger tables allow for larger groups not only to eat together but to have meetings and work during the day. Movement around the tables was also re-planned, the space between pilars and concrete wall  become the main axis. Concentrated traffic on one axis supports the calm structure around the tables. Backoffice and cashier desk are also restructured. The food area is now able to expand it’s space and consequently expand the menu. The calming view through the windows at ground floor level are contrasted with the lower floor, which is where the building meets the street life. The unused space underneath the staircase becomes a place to relax and chat during the day. K3 comes to life: a café-bar removed from study-related activities, featuring a yellow glass box, which breaks up through the ground-floor, encloses the bar when needed and gives it an entrance at the upper level. During summer, small tables can be placed in front of the café underneath the cantilever, activating the street level and inviting the community to take part on the faculties’ what-abouts. At night, the yellow glass box works as a giant light bulb, filtering the always-on white light on the ground floor and activating the bar-space for a whole different atmosphere. In the backroom, stage null becomes an open room for events, small exhibitions and installations, managed by Students in cooperation with Studierendenwerk.  
Student Design Competition for the renovation of the cafeteria - Winter Semester 19/20 / IGmA - Institut für Grundlagen der modernen Architekturtheorie 
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